Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Brooklyn is loved by the entire team, however Logan (on the left) is probably her favorite.  She frequently goes and sits on him or seeks him out in big groups.  She is a lucky girl to have so many adore her.

The Highland games are a brainchild of Kevin.  Once a season, the runners dress up in make-shift kilts and do all various obstacles & competitions as a team.  This year one of the contests included putting Brooklyn in the middle of the groups, the winning team would coax her toward them, however if anyone made her cry, they would lose.  She loved the attention and went towards the team on the right.

These are a few pics from our photo shoot near her 1st birthday.  Brooklyn continues to be the light in our lives.  She has such spirit and personality.  Grandma says that might make life a little rougher rough right now, but a good thing in the long run.  She learned to climb the dining room chairs a few days ago, but tonight wanted to climb on the dinner table. Strong spirit came out and a few minutes of crying ensued when we didn't let her keep walking across the table.